Accueil > Altermondialisme > De l’antimondialisation à l’altermondialisation > Forums sociaux : FSM FSE FSL > Forum thématiques : FAME, Dev durable, etc. > Forum Social Mondial anti-nucléaire Madrid 2019
Forum Social Mondial anti-nucléaire Madrid 2019
jeudi 28 mars 2019, par
4 ème Forum Social Mondial anti-nucléaire à Madrid 2019
du 31 mai au 2 juin.
Inscription :
The Iberian Antinuclear Movement calls on all antinuclear groups in the world to join us for the next Global Antinuclear Social Forum, which will be taking place in Madrid from the 31st of May to the 2nd of June, 2019.
How do I register ?
In this form :
Here you can find all the information relative to inscription.
The registration period will finish on the 30th of April. Logistical information about our sessions will be provided. Please have a look at our website.
What are we going to talk about ?
This Forum wants to be a place of participation for the hundreds of struggles and the thousands of people fighting the nuclear threat from many different perspectives. From mining till the lethal use of nuclear energy, they will find their place. For this, we would like to hear all lecture proposals people want to let us know of. In order to organise a space for everyone, we will provide with plenaries but also with talks, workshops, parallel meetings…
With the goal of encompassing all the proposals by the many participants, we propose to arrange them around 5 wide topics :
Participation and access to information, gender, organisms of nuclear government (the role of IAEA and NPT), political situation of countries, international legistlation (for example, European nuclear policy and Euratom)…
Nuclear threat
Civil and military uses of nuclear energy, social and environmental impact of nuclear energy, renewable alternatives, mechanisms and protocols of nuclear operation
Impact of nuclear fuel
Mining, fuel manufacturing…
Security and nuclear waste
Management of nuclear waste in the short, medium and long term
The situation of nuclear energy worldwide finds itself at a crucial momento since the end of the design life of nuclear power plants, joined with the fast growth of renewables, may bend energy policies towards short and medium term denuclearisation in many places in the world. Because of this, we consider it essential to dedicate some room to listening about how we can improve communication between movements, coordinate our struggles, establish stable nets and achieve the end of the nuclear nightmare.
In order to choose the final programme we are currently organising an international advisers committee, in which all candidacies will be more tan welcome. For this, please sign up in in either Spanish or English and tell us :
– The organisation, platform or institution you belong to and a brief description of its work.
– Why are you interested in joining our advisers committee ?
– How can you contribute ?
How can you propose a talk ?
In the same inscription form you can include your talk proposal. If you would like to offer a more detailed description, you can let us know about it here : Only documents in English or Spanish are accepted. Simulataneous translation will be provided according to the linguistic demands of those assisting to the Forum. In any case, both Spanish and English are guaranteed.
Registration costs
With the aim of defraying the costs of organising this Forum, we have established a quota of 10 euros. Added to that, we are asking from the possible lecturers for a contribution of 50 euros. If, in addition to all that, you belong to an organised group, you should know that we need your economic help, as much as you consider appropriate. Nonetheless, we do not seek that this amount entails any hindrance for anyone to participate in the Forum. If you have no funds, you can contact us and participate freely.